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Wade Boyd

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Wade Boyd Empty Wade Boyd

Message  Invité Dim 15 Avr 2007, 02:52

Hi Everyone,

Sorry I do not speak French.

Franch could maybe translate for me.

Wade Boyd has been cut from this years TT after 14 years of racing there.

He may be thinking of racing sidecars next year but his friends and supports would like to try to make the TT committee change their minds and let Wade race. he has just got a new Yamaha R1 and has already had it shipped to the IOM and payed for everything.

after he has done this they committee told him he could not race. I think this is really bad. racing is very expensive and after you have paid a lot of money you are told you cannot race.

Franch I will see you at the TT hopefully Wade will also be there to race. Can you get all the people who look at this site to mail me and I will send the name to America. Alex a freind of wade's will send the collection to the IOM TT racing committee.

I cannot wait to see all the french guys and gals when you all come over.

Congratulation also to Sylvie Leblond on winning le Trophée Susan Jenness 2006.


I will see you all when you come over for the TT. please also say hello to MIG(patrice Miguet) I hope he rides a Voxon this year and brings Thierry with him.

Merci Tim Wade Boyd Drapeau_

Wade Boyd Drapeau_


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Wade Boyd Empty Re: Wade Boyd

Message  Fanch Dim 15 Avr 2007, 08:44

Hi Tim,

I understand that everybody refused at the TT this year is so sad. I've been told that Brian Downey was refused three times those past years (after paying the TT Mountain Licence tax !!), as Jeff Driesen who is a good rider (maybe his look is not really accepted ?).

But, when I was by Roy Hanks a few weeks ago, he said they were expecting too much entry applications and they can't accept more than 85 entries because the front runners lap too fast and the back markers could be reached too quickly ...

There is another shame about this : to obtain the TT Mountain Licence, you must pay £25 (tax ? , fine ?) that are not refund if you're refused !!!

In sidecar class, François & Sylvie Leblond, Claude Montagnier & Laurent Seyeux and Franck Bajus & Christophe "PINPON" Darras (newcomer last year) will be there. And I've been told that Jean-Louis Hergott (which passenger ?) would race too. Jean-Claude Huet and his son Jonathan have no F2 at all this year and race a F1 LCR into the French championship.

French people that would be refused are only solo riders as Emmanuel Chéron and Amaury Baratin. And Marc Granié too, who begun to race in ... 1986. He didn't race last year because he was badly wounded at work (gun shot, he is a policeman).

Fabrice "MIG" Miguet would be there after his Ulster holydays races, as Etienne Godart and a newcomer, Jehan D'Orgeix.

Have you any news from James, one year later.

See you soon, Tim

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Journaliste officiel TT
Journaliste officiel TT

Nombre de messages : 5997
Localisation : Bretagne
Date d'inscription : 03/08/2006

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Wade Boyd Empty Re: Wade Boyd

Message  thierry Lun 16 Avr 2007, 20:28

T'es sur de ça ?

Quand les gars de 120KG disent quelques choses, ceux de 60 les écoutent. (Audiard)
Superviseur SUPERBIKE
Superviseur SUPERBIKE

Nombre de messages : 1235
Age : 58
Date d'inscription : 02/08/2006

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Wade Boyd Empty Re: Wade Boyd

Message  jojo Lun 16 Avr 2007, 20:53

thierry a écrit:T'es sur de ça ?
Alors Thierry puisque tu as tout compris tu peux nous traduire..... Où c'est un coup de gambas belge????? Laughing Laughing Laughing
Val' et Jojo (les deux à l'attaque)
Prix d'Excellence à la participation
Prix d'Excellence à la participation

Nombre de messages : 847
Age : 63
Localisation : 80 somme
Date d'inscription : 02/08/2006

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Wade Boyd Empty Re: Wade Boyd

Message  thierry Lun 16 Avr 2007, 21:00

vous aviez qu' a étudier a l'école... Moi j'étais studieux pale

Quand les gars de 120KG disent quelques choses, ceux de 60 les écoutent. (Audiard)
Superviseur SUPERBIKE
Superviseur SUPERBIKE

Nombre de messages : 1235
Age : 58
Date d'inscription : 02/08/2006

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Wade Boyd Empty Re: Wade Boyd

Message  jojo Lun 16 Avr 2007, 21:44

Et un cacolac pour Titi un!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Comment on fait déjà Thierry our avoir un coca en Angleterre???? MDR
Val' cheers
Prix d'Excellence à la participation
Prix d'Excellence à la participation

Nombre de messages : 847
Age : 63
Localisation : 80 somme
Date d'inscription : 02/08/2006

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Wade Boyd Empty Cut from the TT

Message  Invité Mar 17 Avr 2007, 20:13

Hi Fanch,

good to hear from you,

I went to visit James in December. The difference was amazing. He is starting to talk and is in a wheelchair and getting active. It is only small things at the moment but heis improving. It will be a long road though.
Doug is hoping to come over for the TT I will know soon if he can make it.

Look forward to seeing you all


Fanch a écrit:Hi Tim,

I understand that everybody refused at the TT this year is so sad. I've been told that Brian Downey was refused three times those past years (after paying the TT Mountain Licence tax !!), as Jeff Driesen who is a good rider (maybe his look is not really accepted ?).

But, when I was by Roy Hanks a few weeks ago, he said they were expecting too much entry applications and they can't accept more than 85 entries because the front runners lap too fast and the back markers could be reached too quickly ...

There is another shame about this : to obtain the TT Mountain Licence, you must pay £25 (tax ? , fine ?) that are not refund if you're refused !!!

In sidecar class, François & Sylvie Leblond, Claude Montagnier & Laurent Seyeux and Franck Bajus & Christophe "PINPON" Darras (newcomer last year) will be there. And I've been told that Jean-Louis Hergott (which passenger ?) would race too. Jean-Claude Huet and his son Jonathan have no F2 at all this year and race a F1 LCR into the French championship.

French people that would be refused are only solo riders as Emmanuel Chéron and Amaury Baratin. And Marc Granié too, who begun to race in ... 1986. He didn't race last year because he was badly wounded at work (gun shot, he is a policeman).

Fabrice "MIG" Miguet would be there after his Ulster holydays races, as Etienne Godart and a newcomer, Jehan D'Orgeix.

Have you any news from James, one year later.

See you soon, Tim


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Wade Boyd Empty Re: Wade Boyd

Message  Fanch Mar 17 Avr 2007, 20:33

It's so fine to receive some good news from James. We were so sad and we met him too much quickly.

I read a lot of things about his arrival at home. It seemed to be gorgeous.

And about the repayment of the repatriation ? Everything is OK now or he always needs help ?

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Journaliste officiel TT
Journaliste officiel TT

Nombre de messages : 5997
Localisation : Bretagne
Date d'inscription : 03/08/2006

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Wade Boyd Empty James Cornell

Message  Invité Mar 17 Avr 2007, 21:53

Hi Fanch,

The government here payed half the repatriation fee and also decided that there would be no payment for the hospital. This is why everyone must now have insurance.

about US$11,000 was raised on the Isle of Man to go towards repatriation

the Bill was about USD50,000 and between the Isle of Man and San Francisco we payed half.

there are good people everywhere.

I will hopefully have some more news about James soon and will let you know when I get it.

Any money now is to help with rehabilitation and physiotherapy.



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Wade Boyd Empty Re: Wade Boyd

Message  Fanch Mer 18 Avr 2007, 10:49

Une pétition est installée sur le site internet de Wade Boyd. Elle peut être signée en ligne.

Que ceux qui connaissent Wade et apprécie le bonhomme (un Mig mode californienne) lui fassent part de leur soutien.

Je le fais par amitié pour ces américains hors norme.
Jean-Michel Prudon, représentant français du TT Supporter Club, l'a fait également.
Et quelques autres ...

Merci pour lui.

Rejoignez-moi sur
Journaliste officiel TT
Journaliste officiel TT

Nombre de messages : 5997
Localisation : Bretagne
Date d'inscription : 03/08/2006

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Wade Boyd Empty TT2007

Message  Invité Ven 20 Avr 2007, 01:44

Bonjour Francais,

I learn more french everyday.

How many riders at this years tt that have been accepted will come back next year.

I think many will come only for this year to say they have been in the Greatest Road Race in the world for the 100th anniversary and then not come back.

It is not about the best teams or riders. Most of the riders and passengers know they will never win, but race for the race. Many fans do not come to see the big teams and riders they come to enjoy the occasion. If only the biggest teams and riders were in the TT as in any race then I thinks there would be only Ten solo riders and Ten sidecars.

Do you thinks that many people would come to watch. MY answer is NO because it would be boring.

We need privateers in Road racing they are what makes it so gooooooood

To be a part of the TT is just as important as winning.

I ask you please to add you name to help get Wade to race. if you do not want to add your name to the link that Fanch has placed on the site then email me direct

Wade had a bad race last year because of bad machines but this year he hasbrand new machines for the first time in NINE years so we want him to race.

So merci francais please sign to help him race.

It might be your guys not being allowed next time

and if it is then you can count on me to help get them in.

Francois and Sylvie I am looking forward to this years birthday party I hope the birthday girl can make it if she is not racing.

Thierry from Voxon "ALLE" drunk Moth$**%%*fuc£(*R cannot wait to enjoy your company.

We know it will be good.

Fanch I have no direct contact with Francois Sylvie and Mig and Thierry can you pass on my regards Tim


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Wade Boyd Empty Re: Wade Boyd

Message  Mathieu Dim 24 Juin 2007, 10:58

Wad BOYD with Carl FOGARTY at the Villa Marina wenesday 2007 6th june

Wade Boyd Dsc_6711

Ce qui est pénible avec les textes qui s'affichent au fur et à mesure, c'est qu'il faut attendre la fin du chargement pour tout lire, et des fois ça n'avait pas vraiment d'intérêt... Mais il faut bien avouer que ça passe le temps
Photographe officiel TT
Photographe officiel TT

Nombre de messages : 242
Age : 55
Localisation : Tourcoing
Date d'inscription : 21/08/2006

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Wade Boyd Empty Re: Wade Boyd

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