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Des news de nick Crowe et Mark cox

ragonnet bernard
team_RBS -GREG-
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Message  team_RBS -GREG- Jeu 20 Aoû 2009, 10:40

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Honda Racing News - Nick Crowe and Mark CoxOfficial Update And Fundraising Announcement For Nick Crowe and Mark Cox

Following Nick Crowe and Mark Cox's accident during the second TT sidecar race in June, HM Plant Honda is pleased to issue an update on behalf of Nick and Mark and their families regarding the boys' recovery and also, to announce details of kind fundraising activities.
Both Nick and Mark are overwhelmed by the continuing well-wishes and support for them and their families, as well as the fundraising activities which have taken place and are still being planned.
They would like to sincerely thank all those who organised and took part in the generous fundraising activities on the Isle of Man, to include a sidecar pull around the Island, an auction, an island quiz with pubs around the island connected by a website, and a golf tournament.
A UK fundraising event is now being organised by Nick and Mark's sponsors and takes place on Friday 21 August at the Yorkshire Suite, behind the Golden Lion Hotel in Northallerton, DL7 8PP.
A number of TT riders are hoping to attend the event, including Honda's dynamic road racing duo of John McGuinness and Steve Plater, as is Ian Hutchison and Guy Martin, with more TT solo and sidecar riders still to confirm. An auction and raffle will enable those attending to win some great TT and racing memorabilia, as well as non-motorcycling, but exciting, goodies!
The evening will kick off at 8pm and will run until late, with entertainment throughout the evening. Tickets are £10 each and entry will be by ticket only, which can be booked by calling Emma Hudspeth on 01969 625111 or Eve Vanner on 07518 021137.
Commenting on the fundraising, Nick and Mark's families said, "We are overwhelmed at how generous people have been and we can assure everyone that the money raised so far, or the proceeds from fundraisers still in the planning, will not be used for our daily living. It will be used to buy the equipment that Nick and Mark are going to need to help them re-establish as much as a normal life as possible, as well as fund any costs incurred while the boys are injured. Thank you so much to everyone who has both organised fundraising activities, such as the sidecar pull around the Isle of Man and the evening event at Northallerton later this month, and also got involved and been so generous with their giving. We are truly amazed and humbled. Thank you."
Commenting on Nick's condition, his wife Danny said:
"There has been all sorts of speculation and concern about Nick's injuries and operations. I can confirm that Nick has had four operations so far, one of which was to remove his lower right arm, as the damage to this area was extensive and was also causing issues for the recovery of some of his other injuries. Due to the extensive damage to his right leg, Nick has also had two donor bones inserted and we now hope that his own bones will knit well to those over time. His knee was also very badly damaged and we hope that this may be semi-functional in the future, but it is too early to say at this point. These operations have been successful, although further operations over the coming months will be necessary. Nick's other fractures are now beginning to heal well and with his intensive physiotherapy, Nick is now able to at least be mobile at times by being pushed in a wheelchair and has amazingly walked a few steps, obviously though with the external frame around his leg.
"The hospital and the whole surgical team have been outstanding and when you stand back and actually reflect on what they've done, achieved, and still plan, the whole thing is like science fiction and we have no words sufficient to express our gratitude and amazement for the skill and care of the surgical and nursing team.
"Nick has two main focuses. His first is to recover as quickly as possible and get home. The second, but also I think a driving force of his first aim, is to rebuild his HM Plant Honda sidecar. He knows most people would see it as a pile of scrap but he knows he can rescue it. Nick has looked at all the photos of the damage and knows exactly what he wants and needs to do to get it to show condition, but with an engine, and has already started speaking to friends and racing colleagues in order to help him prepare and do this. Louis Christian of LCR Engineering has offered to rebuild the sidecar chassis free of charge, which made Nick's day! Nick said that this year's sidecar is the best he's ever ridden and he wants to restore it for that memory.
"Nick has up and down days but the fighting spirit we're seeing in him over his injuries and recovery is that of a true racer. I'm amazed by Nick and in awe of this guy in how he is taking each day as it comes and facing everything he's had to contend with, with such spirit and determination. Those are two qualities in him we now value more than ever as we know those are the qualities, along with the great medical attention, that got him through those first critical hours and are aiding his slow, but steady recovery."
Commenting on Mark's condition, his fiancée Amanda said:
"Mark spent the first few weeks following the accident in Noble's hospital on the Isle of Man, where his condition stabilised well. He was then transferred to Liverpool where he underwent two operations in his first week there, on his left leg and ankle. As a result of the injuries, Mark's left leg is four inches shorter than it should be and another operation is planned in the next few weeks that will hopefully lengthen his leg, although it is not certain this operation will be successful. If not, a further operation may be needed for a donor bone to be inserted. Mark's ankle will need further re-constructive surgery and he'll also need an operation to repair ligament damage to his left knee. The fractures to Mark's pelvis and right hip are now beginning to heal well, having been repositioned, plated and pinned, as is the case with his right arm as well.
"Mark has been having intensive physio and will continue this for the next few months, although he and us are pleased he was recently moved to a London hospital, so at least is now closer to home and his family. He hopes to be able to get into a wheelchair in a few weeks and then work towards getting on to his feet.
"The determination and courage Mark shows daily is nothing short of inspiring and he's so humbled and grateful by everyone's efforts, support and well-wishes, both for him, but also for me and our children. Thank you all again."

si j'ai a peu près bien compris,en gros, Crowe à perdu son avt bras droit, a encore de sérieuses bléssures qui demenderont d'autres opérations, mais il veut reconstuire le side.
son pass à un jambe plus courte que l'autre suite à l'accident et doit encore se faire opérer.

Bon rétablissement aux deux.

un con debout va plus loin qu'un intellectuel assis
team_RBS -GREG-
team_RBS -GREG-
Superviseur Champ France Montagne
Superviseur Champ France Montagne

Nombre de messages : 938
Age : 42
Localisation : on the border
Date d'inscription : 31/08/2006

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Message  ragonnet bernard Jeu 20 Aoû 2009, 11:15

ouais , avec une collecte de fonds par différents moyens pour financer tout ce qui concerne l'ergothérapie ou l'ergonomie et en effet la volonté de reconstruire son side à l'identique pour commémorer cette saison qui fut pour eux la plus performante...Lcr se propose de le faire gratos..quant à Mark .."four inches shorter"...10 cm en moins....pas évident..les multiples témoignages semblent beaucoup les aider et en tout cas Nick est dans "un esprit de combat" d'un vrai compétiteur
ragonnet bernard
ragonnet bernard
Prix d'Excellence à la participation
Prix d'Excellence à la participation

Nombre de messages : 1205
Age : 72
Localisation : à côté d'Avignon
Date d'inscription : 03/02/2007

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Des news de nick Crowe et Mark cox Empty Re: Des news de nick Crowe et Mark cox

Message  team_RBS -GREG- Jeu 20 Aoû 2009, 11:38

je pense que la lange du chèqu-spire n'a plus de secret pour nous bernard ! Very Happy Very Happy

un con debout va plus loin qu'un intellectuel assis
team_RBS -GREG-
team_RBS -GREG-
Superviseur Champ France Montagne
Superviseur Champ France Montagne

Nombre de messages : 938
Age : 42
Localisation : on the border
Date d'inscription : 31/08/2006

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Des news de nick Crowe et Mark cox Empty Re: Des news de nick Crowe et Mark cox

Message  ragonnet bernard Jeu 20 Aoû 2009, 14:56

quand je pense que je roule et cours allemand depuis presque ma naissance clown clown clown , mais à l'époque les beatles ont beaucoup fait pour la langue du chat qui expire
ragonnet bernard
ragonnet bernard
Prix d'Excellence à la participation
Prix d'Excellence à la participation

Nombre de messages : 1205
Age : 72
Localisation : à côté d'Avignon
Date d'inscription : 03/02/2007

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Des news de nick Crowe et Mark cox Empty Re: Des news de nick Crowe et Mark cox

Message  thierry Jeu 20 Aoû 2009, 19:05

quelqu'un pourrait traduire ce texte ?? affraid

Quand les gars de 120KG disent quelques choses, ceux de 60 les écoutent. (Audiard)
Superviseur SUPERBIKE
Superviseur SUPERBIKE

Nombre de messages : 1235
Age : 58
Date d'inscription : 02/08/2006

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Des news de nick Crowe et Mark cox Empty Re: Des news de nick Crowe et Mark cox

Message  team_RBS -GREG- Jeu 20 Aoû 2009, 19:45

onen a fait un bref résumé avec Bernard, si tu veux tout le texte faudra me laisser un peu de tps. Very Happy Very Happy

un con debout va plus loin qu'un intellectuel assis
team_RBS -GREG-
team_RBS -GREG-
Superviseur Champ France Montagne
Superviseur Champ France Montagne

Nombre de messages : 938
Age : 42
Localisation : on the border
Date d'inscription : 31/08/2006

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Des news de nick Crowe et Mark cox Empty Re: Des news de nick Crowe et Mark cox

Message  thierry Jeu 20 Aoû 2009, 21:13

Dsl j'avais pas vu ton paragraphe en bas de texte, du coup je comprends mieux aussi la suite par Bernard !

Quand les gars de 120KG disent quelques choses, ceux de 60 les écoutent. (Audiard)
Superviseur SUPERBIKE
Superviseur SUPERBIKE

Nombre de messages : 1235
Age : 58
Date d'inscription : 02/08/2006

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Des news de nick Crowe et Mark cox Empty Re: Des news de nick Crowe et Mark cox

Message  ragonnet bernard Jeu 20 Aoû 2009, 21:47

d'autant Thierry que c'est un peu entre les états d'âme (çà se comprend) , les séquences on a recoupé ici et ressoudé là (çà se comprend encore plus)...c'est pas évident et un peu hard...l'important c'est qu'il y ait un véritable engouement pour les aider avec une soirée spectacle et le gratin des que bien évidemment quand on subit de telles blessures on a le moral en compote avec des hauts et des le propos de Moly sur la roulette
ragonnet bernard
ragonnet bernard
Prix d'Excellence à la participation
Prix d'Excellence à la participation

Nombre de messages : 1205
Age : 72
Localisation : à côté d'Avignon
Date d'inscription : 03/02/2007

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Des news de nick Crowe et Mark cox Empty Re: Des news de nick Crowe et Mark cox

Message  thierry Ven 21 Aoû 2009, 11:41

c'est ces éléments qui sont importants : Ya une soirée ? ou ? Combien ?

Quand les gars de 120KG disent quelques choses, ceux de 60 les écoutent. (Audiard)
Superviseur SUPERBIKE
Superviseur SUPERBIKE

Nombre de messages : 1235
Age : 58
Date d'inscription : 02/08/2006

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Des news de nick Crowe et Mark cox Empty Re: Des news de nick Crowe et Mark cox

Message  ragonnet bernard Ven 21 Aoû 2009, 12:44

ce soir, 10 £ l'entrée à Northallerton à partir de 20 h.....
ragonnet bernard
ragonnet bernard
Prix d'Excellence à la participation
Prix d'Excellence à la participation

Nombre de messages : 1205
Age : 72
Localisation : à côté d'Avignon
Date d'inscription : 03/02/2007

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Des news de nick Crowe et Mark cox Empty Nick and Mark

Message  john newton Sam 22 Aoû 2009, 16:52

J'ai visite Mark mercredi dernier et a parle avec Nick dernier nuit a Northallerton. Ils sont 'in good spirits' et sont positive.

john newton

Nombre de messages : 6
Date d'inscription : 18/06/2009

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Message  cdl Sam 17 Oct 2009, 23:55


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Prix d'Excellence à la participation

Nombre de messages : 1322
Date d'inscription : 03/09/2007

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Message  isadan Jeu 22 Oct 2009, 08:10

a espérer pour lui et son pass que les assurances là bas soient un peu plus rémunératrices qu'en france déjà ça les aidera
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Prix d'Excellence à la participation

Nombre de messages : 390
Age : 62
Localisation : rennes
Date d'inscription : 19/03/2007

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